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Flowers for God

Have you ever received a compliment that felt like a warm hug on a cold day?

I recently experienced just that. A coworker gave me the most beautiful compliment, and afterwards, said, "I wanted to give you your flowers now."

I was initially puzzled, but as they explained their meaning, I realized they had given me a gift just as beautiful as any bouquet of roses.

The Beauty of Compliments

In a world that can often feel harsh and unforgiving, a kind word or a genuine compliment can be such a beautiful reminder of hope. My coworker's gesture reminded me of the simple power of acknowledging someone's efforts or qualities. It's like giving them a metaphorical bouquet of flowers, a symbol of appreciation and admiration.

As I walked away from my coworker, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. It was as if God had used this encounter to remind me that He sees me, He hears me, and He cares about my heart. In the season I am in, this was a reminder my heart had been crying out to Him for. Over and over, through scripture, God hands us flower after flower.

You are wonderfully made

You are a treasure

You are beautiful

You are fully known by him and lavishly loved by Him

You are chosen

You are special

You are set apart

Inspired by this experience with my co-worker, I decided to "give God some flowers" myself. But more importantly, I wanted to encourage you to do the same. No matter what you're going through, take a moment to express your gratitude to God.

"What kind of flowers can we give God today?"

"Always be joyful, never stop praying, and always be thankful, no matter what happens. This is what God wants from you believers in Christ Jesus."

~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 TLB

This passage reminds us to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. When we do this, we not only strengthen our relationship with God but also cultivate a positive and grateful mindset.

The Power of Prayer: A Bouquet of Words

Prayer is more than just words; it's a connection, a conversation with God. It's like offering Him a bouquet of words, each one filled with intention and meaning. Just as a physical bouquet can brighten a room and bring joy, a prayer can lift your spirits and deepen your relationship with God. Prayer does not always need to be an epic need or heartache. It can just be us, letting God know we see Him at work and love Him.

Through prayer, we can express our gratitude, seek guidance, and share our burdens. It's a way to surrender our will to His and trust in His plan. I looked at my prayer to God like a bouquet of words, filled with love, gratitude, and surrender. It was my way to express my appreciation for His goodness and faithfulness.

A Declaration of Gratitude

As I end this post, I want to share a declaration of gratitude that I've been using:

"God, more than anything in my life, I want to see You. I want to hear Your voice above every sound, and I want my heart to remain tender to your leading and prompting.

I want to know You.

You have been with me in every step of my journey, and You have never turned your back on me. You wash me in Your forgiveness and teach me how to forgive others. I trust You with my heart, my mind, my will, and my emotions today. Steady my thoughts on you and protect me from anything that is not for me.

I trust Your wisdom and ask You to remove anything from my life that hinders my ability to be who you made me to be. Thank You for preparing my way, and for going before me to set things in motion for my good.

Today, I choose to give You my best, my attention, my trust, and my praise.

Help me look for someone to forgive and someone to bless as I notice the evidence all around me of Your goodness and faithfulness. My heart, undivided, belongs to you."

It felt so good to offer that up to the Lord. I want to encourage you today, to re-read that and make it a gift to Him from you as well.

What flowers will be in the bouquet you give God today? What has He done in your life? What has He taught you through the pain you have endured? Give Him some flowers, and then get quiet. Listen to His voice and ask, "Who would He have you give flowers to today?"

It's always worth it!



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